Mission statement
In St. Peter’s, we develop skills for life!
We, at St. Peter’s Primary School, see ourselves as working in partnership with parents to develop the gifts of our students and to meet the needs of all. We recognise that each pupil is unique and has different gifts, as well as different needs. Our wish is to encourage the positive potential within each pupil, by offering a relevant curriculum in an atmosphere characterised by care and justice.
We will strive to ensure that each student acquires mastery of the basic skills of learning and communication, and has experiences which shall lead to a sense of wonder and an appreciation of our national heritage. A caring attitude towards the environment and the whole of creation is cultivated.
We welcome the parish clergy into close collaboration with us, so that together we can strengthen our spiritual ministry and pastoral care to all within our school community.
It is our wish that our pupils leave us with enhanced self-confidence, self-discipline and having respect for all.