Last Friday week (9/1/15) 6th Class took their RDS Primary Science Fair project to the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. We had an amazing day, and tweeted throughout!
Care to catch up on the day that was? Have a read!
We’re on the bus! Great excitement on the 145! @TheRDS Primary Science Fair here we come! #HawkPi #6thClass #BTYSTE #schoolspirit
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Our stand! @TheRDS Primary Science Fair! #BTYSTE
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Ois showing some of the crew from Ard na Grath videos of Hawkeye in action! #PrimaryScienceFair
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
We’re getting our pictures taken! #BTYSTE @BTYSTE @TheRDS
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
We met some of our Twitter friends too!
Just met @StPetersBray and saw their super Hawkeye project. Well done to all and great to meet you in person #btyoungscientist
— Mr. Greene’s Class (@MrGreenesClass) January 9, 2015
Great to chat with @Stokane in real life! #BTYSTE & #PrimaryScienceFair proving a great place to chat with Twitter pals!
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Absolutely delighted, last year’s #BTYSTE @BTYSTE winners popped by to see our stand! Wow! Thanks Emer and Sophie!
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Oisín is showing all the email alerts from our project! We’ve tested our system 119 times this morning! #HawkPi
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Working with the Digital Youth Council, we Skyped back to school to share the day with our classmates!
Skyping with the other classes in St Peter’s with @dyc2015! #edchatie
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
We met the BT CEO!
@DYC2015 school skypers from @StPetersBray meet @btinireland CEO @oneillcolm and Mick the red coat!
— Ciara Judge (@CiaraFudgyJudgy) January 9, 2015
Our #budget15 project partner @SimonHarrisTD popped by to see our project! #Bray #Wick…
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Thanks to @aoibhinn_ni_s for popping by to see our project @TheRDS! #PrimaryScienceFair #BTYSTE
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Sam and Emmet doing a great job explaining our project on camera #HawkPi
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
We met Henry Shefflin!
Henry Shefflin saw our project! There’s a man who knows Hawkeye well! @officialgaa #BTYSTE #PrimaryScienceFair
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Delighted to receive our trophy from our judge Vince! #PrimaryScienceFair #BTYSTE @TheRDS
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
Another amazing @TheRDS #PrimaryScienceFair day for @StPetersBray. Great memories that will last for 6th Class! #BTYSTE #edchatie
— St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) January 9, 2015
WHAT a day!